The best 60 Street Photography quotes ever

Street photography is photography that captures daily life in public places. It is the art of capturing spontaneous moments and unique perspectives of the cityscape through the lens of a camera. Street photography is a genre that has inspired many photographers throughout history. From Henri Cartier-Bresson, the father of modern street photography, to contemporary photographers…

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The Best 9 Street Photography Magazines

Street photography is a popular genre of photography that captures everyday life in public places. It is a unique form of art that allows photographers to capture the beauty and emotion of everyday moments. With its growing popularity, there are now many street photography magazines available for photographers to explore. Here are nine of the…

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Street Photography at night

When it comes to Street Photography at night, the best settings really come down to personal preference. There are several different factors that will determine what the ideal settings will be in order to capture the best images possible.   Best ISO for night Street Photography It’s important to consider the type of Street Photography…

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Street Photography at the beach

Here are 10 tips how to make great Street Photography and portraits in the sandy and sunny areas of the world – at beaches:   1. Get to Know the Beach – Before you start taking beach portraits, it’s important to become familiar with the beach and the culture of beachgoers. Find out if there…

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“Sein Geld verdient er auf der Straße”

Das sind die einleitenden Worte zu einem Beitrag des bayrischen Rundfunks über meine Straßenfotografie und den Versuch, im drögen Vorort Forstenried in München passable Streetfotos zu machen. Ob mir das gelungen ist, müsst ihr beurteilen:   Im Übrigen habe ich auch meinen Youtube Kanal reaktiviert, den du hier finden kannst.

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